welcome, readers, writers and revellers

This is the blog of Oxford University Poetry Society, where you can get up-to-date news about our upcoming events and poetry readings, dates of poetry workshops, read contributors' poetry, and try a hand at writing your own...

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

New Term, New Year, New Committee!

Welcome to a new academic year at Oxford with OUPS!

We'll have poetry recitals, visiting poets, workshops galore - keep visiting the website for updates, syndicate our newsfeed on RSS, or get your dose of OUPS the old-fashioned way via our maillist.

For now, here's the list of our new band of crusading committee-members, ready to bring a rhyme to your life:

President MT09-HT10 - Caroline Bird (caroline.bird at stcatz.ox.ac.uk)
Presidential Secretary - Tess Somervell (President TT10)
(tess.somervell at chch.ox.ac.uk)
Secretary - Sophie Salamon (sophie.salamon at lincoln.ox.ac.uk)
Ash Editor - Sophie Yeo (sophie.yeo at ccc.ox.ac.uk)
Publicity (Web) - Yuan Yang (yuan.yang at balliol.ox.ac.uk)
Publicity (Print) - Joe Lloyd (joe.lloyd at some.ox.ac.uk)
Live Events - Nanette O'Brien (nanette.obrien at st-annes.ox.ac.uk)
Fund - Laura Marsh (laura.marsh at chch.ox.ac.uk), Eloise (eloise.stonborough at seh.ox.ac.uk)

If you have any ideas for how you'd like the above things to be done better, don't hesitate to get in contact with the appropriate person. And we always like hearing from you...

See you soon!

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